But when an email goes unanswered, an Email Follow-Up Automation will increase the chance of a response rate.
Reaching a 100% response rate is difficult, but an auto follow-up tool can help.
These email follow-ups provide that extra nudge that’s needed for a person to click on your email and response. Perhaps a potential client or customer viewed the original email, closed it because they had to go to work, and forgot all about the great offer you sent them.
It’s not that the lead didn’t want your product or service, it’s that life got in the way and it slipped his or her mind.
Proper email follow-up automation can help you capitalize on these missed opportunities.
Marketers send emails strategically over time. The goal is to have the email opened, and the offer clicked on or at least read. But traditional email doesn’t provide the information or analytics that you need to really track your email.
If you use Gmail, you won’t be able to manage, track or analyze the emails you’ve sent. You’ll never know if the lead even opened the email. There’s a good chance that the person missed the email completely, allowing it to be pushed down in their inbox by a plethora of other offers.
But bumps have proven to be very effective.
You don’t want to send bumps, or an email follow-up, too quickly, and this is where automation comes in. A “bump” may be spread out as follows:
- 3 days after the original email is sent
- 2 days after the second bump was sent
- 2 – 3 days after the third bump was sent
Follow-ups can be made three or four times before a response is received, or the follow-up automation program can monitor and continue sending follow-up emails until a response is received.
Rebump is a solution that connects right into your Gmail account, allowing you to continue with your email follow-up until a response is met.
Now, if you’re selling a product, you may not want to send out an email follow-up ten times – the person may not want the product, and no one likes spam. In the business world, it’s acceptable to send out follow-up emails often.
Let’s assume that you’ve sent a colleague a report, and the report needs to be reviewed and finalized by the end of next week.
If the colleague doesn’t confirm that they’ve seen the report, it’s perfectly acceptable to remind them in a follow-up email on:
- Monday morning – they may have forgotten about the report over the weekend
- Tuesday evening
- Wednesday afternoon
Rebump makes it simple and easy to add email follow-up automation with the click of a button, and customers report a 30% average response rate when using Rebump – very high for any industry or workplace.
Custom follow-up emails are sent at set intervals, only stopping once the recipient responds.
With the average worker receiving 90+ emails per day, email follow-up automation ensures that your email doesn’t get lost in the crowd.