Travel Planner Follow-Up Email Template – 48.53% Rescue Rate

Sep 18, 2024 | Other | 0 comments

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Erin Karpenko is a Travel Planner and Independent Contractor with Glass Slipper Concierge, specializing in luxury family vacations, particularly to Disney and Universal properties. As someone dedicated to planning the perfect vacation, Erin relies heavily on timely client communication to ensure that every detail is tailored to their needs. However, after the trip, it’s often difficult to re-engage clients for feedback or future bookings.


Adoption of Rebump

Erin began using Rebump two years ago at the recommendation of a colleague. As a small business owner, it’s up to her to maintain contact with clients, but with her busy clientele, staying top-of-mind can be challenging. Rebump became a game-changer for Erin, helping her automate the follow-up process and take the pressure off manually remembering to reach out to each client.


Key Features and Benefits

Automated Follow-Up Emails

One of the standout features for Erin is the automated follow-up emails. Rebump helps keep her communications on track by sending timely follow-ups, ensuring no potential booking opportunity or feedback request is missed. This has saved Erin both time and stress, while also preventing potential sales from falling through the cracks.

Client Re-engagement

Erin’s biggest challenge was re-engaging clients after their travels. With Rebump’s automated reminders, her clients receive gentle nudges to share feedback, making it easier to finalize any remaining details and even set up future travel plans. This consistent communication has improved client retention and overall satisfaction.

Improved Response Rates

Since using Rebump, Erin has sent 781 bumps with a 48.53% rescue rate. Even though her clients are busy, the regular, automated follow-ups have led to better re-engagement and kept Erin top-of-mind for future travel plans.



Erin highly recommends Rebump to any business that needs to maintain client communication, especially in industries where it’s easy for clients to get busy and forget to respond. For Erin, Rebump is a gentle, automated way to remind her clients to get back in touch, helping her secure feedback, finalize bookings, and even plan future vacations.

Copy the Travel Planner Follow-Up Email Template

Email Templates  / Travel Planner Follow-Up Email Template

Bump 1 – Send 3 day after Your Original Email


Just wanted to make sure you received my email! I would love to know how your trip went. If you would like to set-up a call to go over everything, please check the link in my signature.


Bump 2 – Send 4 days after Bump 1

Just checking in. Wanted to make sure you got my email.


Bump 3  Send – 7 days after Bump 2

Just trying you again. Would love to hear back from you.

Bump 4  Send – 7 days after Bump 3

Thought I’d try you just one more time.



Rebump has significantly eased Erin’s workload by automating her follow-up emails, allowing her to focus on what she does best—planning unforgettable luxury vacations. For businesses that depend on regular client engagement, Rebump is the perfect tool to ensure communications don’t get lost in the shuffle. Ready to streamline your follow-up process?

Try Rebump today and experience the benefits firsthand. Sign up for your free trial here.