Email follow-up for HR professionals, directly from Gmail

The most affordable Gmail follow-up tool

Rebump is the go-to solution for HR professionals seeking to enhance their email communication within Gmail. Boost your HR processes with the magic of effective email follow-ups, from recruitment to employee relations.

Smart people at these organizations use Rebumpto get more replies

Streamlining HR Communications With Ease

Our platform simplifies managing extensive email communications.

Customize and personalize your follow-up campaigns to resonate with candidates and staff alike, demonstrating your commitment to maintaining clear and engaging dialogue.

With the help of our AI Bump Generator, you can generate customizable sequences for every aspect of the HR processes.

Boost engagement
of your HR emails with automated follow-ups

Discover the most straightforward way to improve engagement rates across your HR emails.

Rebump provides trackable email follow-ups, delivering insights into email interactions.

This tool is indispensable for building stronger relationships and ensuring no communication is overlooked.

Questions & Answers

Why do HR professionals need an email follow-up platform?

To ensure every candidate and employee receives timely, personalized communication, enhancing the recruitment process and employee engagement.

Why is Rebump the best email follow-up tool for HR professionals?

Rebump’s integration with Gmail, coupled with its customization and analytics capabilities, makes it ideal for HR departments focusing on efficient and impactful communication.

How is Rebump different from other solutions?

Rebump is specifically designed for personalized follow-ups, offering a unique combination of simplicity and effectiveness that sets it apart from broader HR tools.

How can I ensure my emails won’t go to spam?

Rebump’s best practices for email personalization and engagement help keep your emails front and center, reducing the risk of being marked as spam.

The system is intuitive and does exactly what is says it’ll do

Rebump is one of the best tools our team utilises for email marketing. The system itself is intuitive to use, and does exactly what it says it will do. Once a sequence has been created, simply leave rebump to work it’s magic. Highly recommended.

David Ross

Emails don’t end up on the spam list

Rebump has helped me a lot in keeping track of my important emails. I send almost a hundred emails per day, every day, and have no way to keep track of them. Also, sometimes the emails we send, end up on the spam list so when Rebump sends a follow-up email, they automatically go to the main list of emails thus increasing the response I get. I’m loving the extension and totally recommend it.

Juliana Ferreira

I am not losing clients anymore because I failed to follow up.

I am a travel agent and following up with leads has the bane
of my existence!! I’m not sure how many clients I have lost because I failed to follow up! Rebump has changed all of that!
I have not had to worry one bit about follow up because Rebump does it for me! I have had more people respond to my emails than ever before. I highly recommend using rebump if you struggle with following up on emails.

Monica Bryant

I spend the time I save doing tailored emails

I love Rebump. As I do a lot of pipeline generation, rebump
is invaluable in allowing me to extend the reach of my prospecting. It means that I can spend the time I save doing tailored and interesting initial email, followed by automated follow-ups that will continue to engage my prospect. If you
are looking to save time and sell more this is great!

Alistair Gibbons

Stop wasting time, brain power and opportunities

Start bumping

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