Event Follow-up Email Template – 69.54% Rescue Rate

Jul 11, 2024 | Event Services | 0 comments

You can copy your template at the bottom of the page

SnapSeat® Photo Booths is a regional photo booth company based in Connecticut, offering fun and interactive photo booth experiences for various events.

Adoption of Rebump

SnapSeat® Photo Booths started using Rebump in 2015 to enhance their email follow-up process. The company needed an easy, integrated, and affordable solution to follow up with the majority of their prospective client leads efficiently.


Key Features and Benefits

Easy Integration with Gmail
One of the standout features of Rebump for SnapSeat® was its seamless integration with Gmail. This made implementing Rebump into their existing email workflow straightforward and hassle-free.

Cost-Effective Solution
The consistent reminders provided by Rebump help in securing thoughtful replies, especially when requesting backlinks or other critical responses.

Enhanced Follow-Up Capability:
Rebump enabled SnapSeat® to create a series of follow-up emails that automatically reached out to prospects, ensuring consistent communication without the need for manual tracking.


Impact on Email Engagement

Increased Response Rates
Since implementing Rebump, SnapSeat® has seen a noticeable difference in client engagement. The follow-up bumps have significantly increased the reply rate compared to the constant ghosting they experienced before using Rebump. The automated follow-ups ensured that their messages stayed connected with their customers, leading to better engagement and higher response rates.

Jonathan Johnson highly recommends Rebump for any business looking to implement an effective engagement strategy within their normal email creation process. He highlights that Rebump is a fantastic way to enhance client communication without the need for expensive CRM software.



Rebump has proven to be an invaluable tool for SnapSeat® Photo Booths, enhancing their email follow-up process and improving client engagement. By automating follow-up emails and providing a cost-effective solution, Rebump has helped SnapSeat® maintain consistent communication with their prospects, leading to higher reply rates and better overall client interaction. For businesses seeking to improve their email follow-ups without breaking the bank, Rebump is a highly recommended solution.

Copy The Sales Follow-up Email Template

Email Templates  /  Sales Follow-up Template

Bump 1 – Send 2 days after Your Original Email

Good day [Name],

I just wanted to make sure you got the email below. Please follow up when you have an opportunity.

Thank you,



Bump 2 – Send 4 days after Bump 1

Hi [Name],

Just checking in. Do you have any questions or need any additional information about the email below?

Thank you,


Bump 3  Send – 7 days after Bump 2

Hi again [Name],

You’ve received all of our email reminders, and this is the last one you’ll receive from us. We’ll assume you are no longer interested or this email has become irrelevant.

Feel free to email me back or also give us a call at [Phone Number] if you would like to discuss more.


Ready to transform your email follow-up process and boost client engagement? Discover how Rebump can automate your follow-ups and improve your response rates. Visit our website to learn more and start your free trial today!