Client Follow-up Email Template – 66.35% Rescue Rate

You can copy your template at the bottom of the page

UpSites is a professional website development agency based in Brazil, established in 2016. Specializing in developing over 150 websites annually, UpSites manages site maintenance for more than 260 clients, providing comprehensive web development solutions tailored to their clients’ needs.


Adoption of Rebump

Caio Nogueira, the CMO and Co-Founder of UpSites, began using Rebump in early 2023 to enhance their email communication efficiency. As a company that deals with numerous client interactions daily, UpSites required a reliable tool to ensure that their emails were not overlooked and that they maintained consistent communication with clients. Rebump was introduced to streamline their follow-up process, especially for outbound prospecting.


Key Features and Benefits

Automated Follow-Up Emails
One of the most valuable features of Rebump for UpSites is the ability to automate follow-up emails. This automation ensures that no email is forgotten, reducing the manual effort required to maintain communication and significantly improving client engagement.

Customization of Follow-Up Emails
Rebump allows UpSites to tailor follow-up messages to fit different scenarios, enhancing the relevance and personalization of their communications. This feature has been instrumental in making clients feel valued and attended to promptly.

Improved Reply Rates
Since implementing Rebump, UpSites has seen a noticeable increase in email engagement and response rates in their outbound strategies. Clients are more responsive, and there are fewer instances of missed communications. The timely follow-ups have also contributed to better project management and client satisfaction, ultimately enhancing their business operations.



Caio Nogueira highly recommends Rebump to other businesses. Its automation and customization features have greatly improved UpSites ‘ email communication efficiency. For any business that relies heavily on email interactions, Rebump can be a game-changer in ensuring that no potential lead or important communication slips through the cracks.

Copy the Finance Follow-up Email Template

Email Templates  /  Client Follow-up Template

Bump 1 – Send 2 day after Your Original Email

Hello, how are you?

I am sending this message just to make sure you received my last email.

I look forward to your response and thank you in advance!



Bump 2 – Send 3 days after Bump 1

Hello, how are you?

Sorry to send another email, but since I didn’t get a response to the last email, I was worried if you received the message.

Anyway, I thank you in advance if you can reply!



Bump 3  Send – 4 days after Bump 2

Hello, how are you?

Since I did not get a response to the last 2 emails sent, this will be my last attempt to contact you.




Rebump has proven to be a valuable asset for UpSites , significantly improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their email communication. By automating follow-ups and personalizing messages, Rebump has helped UpSites maintain a high level of client engagement and achieve a notable increase in response rates. For businesses looking to enhance their email outreach efforts, Rebump comes highly recommended as a reliable and efficient solution. Ready to improve your email communication efficiency? Try Rebump today and experience the benefits firsthand. Sign up for your free trial here.