Re-engagement Email Template 40.55% Rescue Rate

Jul 5, 2024 | Business Brokerage | 0 comments

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Trent Lee from First Choice Business Brokers, a business broker specializing in business valuations and brokering, started using Rebump to streamline follow-up processes. His company helps business owners understand their business’s worth and guides them through the selling process.


Adoption of Rebump

The primary reason for adopting Rebump was to automate follow-up emails. Trent needed a reliable solution to ensure consistent communication with clients and prospects without manually tracking each follow-up.


Key Features and Benefits

Automated Follow-ups
The most valuable feature for Trent’s company is the automated follow-up sequences. This feature allows them to set up a series of follow-up emails that are sent automatically until a response is received. This automation has saved significant time and ensures that follow-ups are timely and consistent.

Impact on Email Engagement
Rebump has significantly improved their email engagement and response rates. Consistent follow-ups have led to a noticeable increase in responses from potential clients, helping close more deals and maintain better communication.


Impact on Email Engagement

Increased Response Rates
Rebump has significantly boosted the agency’s email engagement and response rates. For example, during a public tender bid, the automated reminders led to a crucial response that might have otherwise been missed.

Trent from First Choice Business Brokers highly recommends Rebump to other businesses. It’s an effective tool for automating follow-ups, greatly improving response rates, and ensuring no potential leads are missed. The time saved and increased engagement make it a valuable addition to any business’s communication strategy.


Copy The Re-engagement Follow-up Email Template

Email Templates  /  Re-engagement Follow-up Template

Bump 1 – Send 1 day after Your Original Email

Hello [Name],

I wanted to email you for two reasons:

1. Did you get a chance to review the Executive Summary I sent the other day and did you have any interest in the business?

2. I recently wrote an article for Forbes Magazine on the 8 questions to ask before hiring a business broker. Each time I write for Forbes I try and provide good content and education but it’s really a disguise in marketing so you’ll hire me – haha 😉

Here is the Forbes article if you are interested: [link to the article]

Anyways, what do you think about the business?

The next step would be to email me a list of initial questions so we can dive into it a little deeper, then we can set up a meeting with the seller.



Bump 2 – Send 3 days after Bump 1

Hi [Name],

I thought I would follow up with you since I didn’t hear back after sending you the Executive Summary. Have you had a chance to review it yet?

What’s your availability over the next few days for a quick phone call?


Bump 3  Send – 7 days after Bump 2

Hi [Name],

Since I haven’t heard back from you I am assuming the business information I sent is not a fit but I don’t want to make any premature assumptions. Would you just reply back and let me know if you are still interested or not?



Bump 4 – Send 7 days after Bump 3

Hi [Name],

I haven’t heard back on your interest regarding the business you requested information on.

Have you given up on pursuing this one further?



Bump 5 – Send 30 days after Bump 3

Hi [Name],

We have some great businesses for sale, are you free this coming week to talk? I’d like to see if anything would be a fit for you.

Take a look at the listings here and let me know if anything looks like it has potential and I can get you the Executive Summary, marketing package and confidential information. [Link to the website]



Bump 6 – Send 7 days after Bump 3

Hi [Name],

We have some great businesses for sale, are you free this coming week to talk? I’d like to see if anything would be a fit for you.

Take a look at the listings here and let me know if anything looks like it has potential and I can get you the Executive Summary, marketing package and confidential information.



Ready to re-engage with your clients and improve your response rates? Get the same re-engagement email template used by our clients with an average 55.35% rescue rate. This template, combined with Rebump’s powerful automation, can help you achieve similar success in your email outreach. Visit our website and get advantage of our free trial here.