SEO Follow-up Email Template – 71.91% Rescue Rate

Jul 5, 2024 | Marketing | 0 comments

You can copy your template at the bottom of the page

John Lim, the founder of Live Young and Well, a content agency, began using Rebump to streamline and enhance their follow-up processes. This adoption came after a recommendation, which emphasized the importance of consistent follow-ups for backlink acquisition.


Adoption of Rebump

Live Young and Well sought a solution to automate their follow-up tasks, which had become cumbersome and time-consuming.


Key Features and Benefits

Automated Follow-ups
The most beneficial feature for Live Young and Well is the automated email bumping every few days. This regular follow-up ensures that their emails remain at the top of recipients’ inboxes, increasing the likelihood of a response.

Enhanced Reply Rates
The consistent reminders provided by Rebump help in securing thoughtful replies, especially when requesting backlinks or other critical responses.


Impact on Email Engagement

Increased Response Rates
Rebump has significantly boosted the agency’s email engagement and response rates. For example, during a public tender bid, the automated reminders led to a crucial response that might have otherwise been missed.

Live Young and Well highly recommends Rebump to other businesses. The automation not only saves time but also helps in managing and tracking sales messages efficiently, making it an invaluable tool for enhancing email outreach and follow-up processes.

Copy The Sales Follow-up Email Template

Email Templates  /  SEO Follow-up Template

Bump 1 – Send 3 days after Your Original Email

Hello [Name],

Things sound busy on your end.

I’m not sure if you received my previous message and just wanted to check in.

Hope to hear back,


Bump 2 – Send 4 days after Bump 1

Hi [Name],

Just checking in. Wanted to make sure you got my email.




Bump 3  Send – 7 days after Bump 2

Hi [Name],

Just trying you again. Would love to hear back from you.



Bump 4 – Send 7 days after Bump 3

Hi [Name],

Thought I’d try you just one more time.




Rebump has proven to be an invaluable tool for Live Young and Well, enhancing their follow-up efficiency and improving client communication. By automating follow-ups and providing insights into email engagement, Rebump has helped the company maintain a high level of responsiveness and customer satisfaction. For businesses seeking a straightforward and effective follow-up solution, Rebump comes highly recommended. Visit our website and get advantage of the free trial here.